Friday, February 27, 2009

25 More Things about Me

1. I don’t like to make small talk in groups of casual acquaintances. “How’s the
wife and kids?” “Where are you working now?” “How ‘bout them Vols?” I
much prefer to have one-on-one discussions about them Vols.

2. I once saw Elvis in concert for $12.50. I am an expert on how Elvis looked from
the back.

3. I learned I could draw pencil portraits at the age of 53. I expect to learn that I
can play piano just any day now.

4. My life hasn’t really been much different no matter who was president. I think
that is about to change.

5. I once played the rabbi in “Fiddler on the Roof” on stage. Now I can look old
without the makeup.

6. I listened to a lot of southern gospel music as a teenager. I listened to albums
recorded by The Messengers ( my cousin sang with them ). I was in awe of
Tommy Bray, the bass singer. Now I sing in a “revival version” of The
Messengers with Tommy Bray whom I once “idolized”. Pretty cool.

7. I was a clinical instructor and lecturer at Southern College of Optometry before
I decided to go into private practice. Turns out there was no money in THAT

8. I once avoided a mugging in Memphis by bluffing the would-be mugger. I was
young and stupid. Now, I’m old and stupid. I would just give him the money.

9. I have gotten three speeding tickets in my life and deserved every one. I tried to
talk my way out of one of them by claiming I had to go to the bathroom, but it
didn’t fly.

10. Initially, I moved to Alabama to go into practice with a college friend. It wasn’t
home and I hated their football team.

11. I am very annoyed by people who let their ideologies cloud their ability to see
truth. I, of course, would never let that happen to me.

12. I have been on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. I have no
desire to go to Antarctica.

13. Other than my friends and family, I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks about
me. That is a great place to come to. Very liberating.

14. I don’t like flying. I’ll do it when I have to, but I don’t like it. I think it has
something to do with flying 600 mph at 25,000 feet in a machine built by the
lowest bidder.

15. When it comes to protecting my family and close friends from physical harm,
I’m not afraid of anything that walks.

16. I have over 15,000 names in a genealogy file on my computer. My ggggmother
was scalped by the Cherokees and lived. I guess I got my baldness from her.

17. I have recurring dreams about being ready for a David Johnson Chorus
concert and I have forgotten my tux. That has never actually happened, but
I expect it at any time.

18. I once bowled 279. A nine-pin spare in one frame….the rest strikes. My bowling
partner that day ( a friend home from college ) bowled his highest game ever at
the same time. (255). That was the first and last “zone” I was ever in.

19. I once sang “Love Me Tender” at a karaoke party and a friend accused me of
lip-syncing. I wasn’t. Really!

20. I have been inside the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Cheops. One of
my best days.

21. I am very tolerant of those who have opinions that differ from mine, unless of
course they are idiots.

22. In college I was a very good ping pong player. Only one person in the whole
school could beat me consistently. He wasn’t really better than me. He just
had the ability to get inside my head. I’ve slowed a bit, but still give can make
the young’uns work up a sweat.

23. I was dating a multi-millionaire’s only daughter when I met my future wife. I
have no regrets, but I have to admit that never ever having to work would have
had it’s advantages.

24. I have seen sunrise on the Matterhorn, but Nancy had to wake me up and
make me look.

25. I believe that I have been privileged to grow up and live in the most exciting
century that has ever been, in the best country that has ever been. Every age I
have experienced has been my best age. I have had a roof over my head, and
plenty to eat. I have a wonderful family and great friends. I consider myself
very fortunate.

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